7.30-16.00h Střední škola KNIH, o. p. s. Bzenecká 4226/23, 628 00 Brno-Vinohrady

+420 734 235 890

Category: Studium

Změna výše příspěvku na vzdělávání od 1. 1. 2022

Vážení zákonní zástupci, vážené žákyně a žáci,
z důvodu významného zvýšení platby za nájem, související služby a energie (elektřina, voda) Vám oznamuji změnu výše příspěvku na vzdělávání platnou od 1.1. 2022 na 18 800 Kč za obě pololetí, tedy 9 400 Kč za jedno pololetí.

Platba bude zaslána na účet školy: 2801376832/2010 v termínech uvedených ve smlouvě o zajištění vzdělávání, tedy k 31.1. a 31.8. příslušného školního roku.

Mgr. Eva Štaralová
ředitelka školy

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Slavnostní zahájení školního roku 2021/2022 (denní studium)

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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2. kolo přijímacího řízení pro školní rok 2021/2022

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Výsledky 1. kola přijímacího řízení pro školní rok 2021/2022

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Informace k přijímacímu řízení pro školní rok 2021/2022

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Změny v provozu škol od 27.února

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Zahájení školního roku 2017/2018

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Absolventi mají dobré šance na trhu práce

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Žáci se vzdělávají i skrz exkurze a přednášky

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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Boj o práci mezi mladými lidmi neustává

The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.

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