Výsledky 1.kola přijímacího řízení
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
7.30-16.00h Střední škola KNIH, o. p. s. Bzenecká 4226/23, 628 00 Brno-Vinohrady
+420 734 235 890
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
Vážení zákonní zástupci, vážené žákyně a žáci,
z důvodu významného zvýšení platby za nájem, související služby a energie (elektřina, voda) Vám oznamuji změnu výše příspěvku na vzdělávání platnou od 1.9. 2022 na 19 000 Kč za obě pololetí, tedy 9 500 Kč za jedno pololetí.
Platba bude zaslána na účet školy: 2801376832/2010 s variabilním symbolem data narození žáka ve tvaru: ddmmrr v termínech uvedených ve smlouvě o zajištění vzdělávání, tedy k 31.1. a 31.8. příslušného školního roku.
RNDr. Libuše Bartková
ředitelka školy
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.
The bodies were lying in the streets un-buried. All railroads and vessels carrying food and such things into the great city had ceased runnings and mobs of the hungry poor pillaging.